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Interview with Robert Dilts

Santa Cruz, 30 August 1997

What is your vision for the newly formed Global Trainers and Consultants Network (GTC)?

ROBERT DILTS: The vision for GTC is to have a global network of people who are trainers but also consultants and also sponsors. I think a lot of the emphasis in NLP has been on trainers and that has been great but has lead to some of the problems in NLP where people go out and train, but you can't train without sponsors, without material to be developed. Its a little like music. You can have musical performers yet if there are no composers and organizations that promote or sponsor, it doesn't get out there. Some of these areas have been the blind spots or weak links in the dissemination of NLP. So the idea of the Global Training and Consultancy Community is that beyond the Master Practitioner level, it's not OK to just do more and more NLP practitioner programs, and to get into competition with people who used to be your friends.
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